A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

I made this for school lmao

Steps to playing:

Step 1: Find a friend to play with. (this is often the hardest step)
Step 2: Decide which friend will host, and a game pin.
Step 3: Both players input the game id and the HOST'S ip. (The hosts ip is displayed on the host's screen)
Step 4: Host hits create game, friend hits join game
Enjoy :)

first time ever doing multiplayer networking - decided to make chess with a bit of a twist.

Pawns have portal guns.
Queens can make decoys of themselves.
Bishops can throw javelins over other pieces.

it's not perfect, and it is quite buggy... but i'll fix that in the future.



index_windows.zip 21 MB
index_linux.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Download for your platform

Android: Install the apk and an application should install on your device.
Windows: Run the exe file... ignore the terminal
Linux: Run the x84-64x file


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